Kids in Kenia Kids in Kenia is a small charity foundation focused on development aid by supporting primary schools in Kenya. The Foundation’s aim is to improve the lives of underprivileged children through initiatives that enable better access to education, better quality of education and better learning conditions.
Education is the key to a better future for children. Education improves life-long health, income and prospects and contributes to the development of a community. Small projects can make a big difference.
Many schools in Kenya lack equipment, infrastructure and even basic necessities like furniture and textbooks or reading books. Kids in Kenia is supporting primary schools by enabling them to initiate their own solutions to these development challenges and encourages local ownership of development initiatives.
Because the Kids in Kenia foundation is a charity, we rely greatly on private donations, so if you would like to support any of our projects below, then please consider making a donation.
Scholarship for talented childrenFree primary education was introduced in Kenya in 2003 and many children are enrolled now in primary education. But only few continue on to secondary education because of the high costs. In order to support talented children from poor backgrounds, Kids in Kenia introduced a scholarship scheme. Up to now 40 students received a scholarship.
Classrooms, clean drinking water and sanitationMany children in Kenya go to schools, which have a shortage of classrooms and desks, no drinking water or clean latrines – basic things that many of us take for granted.
Crowded classes, unsafe water, inadequate sanitation and lack of hygiene not only affect the health of children but also the quality and output of education. Providing better water, sanitation and hygiene services in schools reduces hygiene-related diseases and can help curb the schools days missed every year due to diarrhoea. Kids in Kenia is supporting schools by providing classrooms and safe water and sanitation facilities in schools.
SportsSports can be a powerful tool for development and learning. Sports promote participation, inclusion, human values, acceptance of rules, discipline, health, non-violence, tolerance, gender equality, teamwork, among others. Sports can help to improve the quality education. Kids in Kenia therefore implemented a sports project in close collaboration with the school community.
Training teachersIt is evident that teachers are the most important factor in determining learning outcomes. In Kenya - where the education systems has expanded rapidly after introduction of free primary education, the - teachers themselves may not have sufficient subject knowledge or appropriate skills because of poor quality, or lack of, teacher training. For this reason Kids in Kenya is supporting teachers to become better skilled and trained.
BooksTextbooks and reading books are a crucial part of every child’s learning journey. Kenyan children in rural schools speak English as their second or even third language. At home they speak Swahili at school English. Improving English language skills is crucial. Kids in Kenia together with the Dutch "My Book Buddy foundation" started reading book projects at different schools.
Microfinance women groupsKids in Kenia is providing microfinances to help women build assets so that they can stabilize their income, raise their standard of living and reorient themselves and their families. Kids in Kenia’s small loans bring big changes to impoverished women, who use the money to build small businesses. Loan funds are recycled so that the program becomes self-sustaining.